9 Oct 2015

Basics of shell for Gnu/Linux based OS

This blog is for the person who are all new to GNU/Linux based operating and not only for them I will explain some magical powerful code which normal GNU/Linux based OS

What I felt !

After Installation of GNU/Linux based Operating System(OS) I don’t know how to operate the system? how to access the application?
Now got the answer? If you know how to use console then you will automatically a friend of OS.

I know all can have the same Peelings(feelings) so here after don’t worry :p I’m gonna teach you how to make your GNU/Linux OS as your friend.How it is possible to have friendship with OS? yes there is an application program called Linux console(Terminal) which allow you to speak with OS(useful for input and output operation) and to make your kernel as friend.

How to work with console?

Using shell commands. yes it pretty simple You just open your console and enter shell commands


Shell is the program that takes command from the keyboard and interact with kernel

here is How we normally do?

  • My computer-> Double click-> next->next->next

How can we do in(via shell command)

I’m gonna explain some of the shell command to talk with your OS Lets type something in console Devux and hit enter

Screenshot from my machine it show command not found. yes have some default commands to execute in terminal we can’t any string but don’t question me only we can able to create default one? we cannot create new one like that???

yeah, we can create a new command that we will see later

#Basic commands

List files in a folder(Directory)

ls list files inside the directory
some more feature:
ls -a display the list of file with hidden files
ls -l display the list of file with r/w permission and timing details

Create Folder(Directory)

mkdir create new directory
syntax: mkdir <directory_name>
example: mkdir fsftn

#Open and Close Folder(Directory) cd open&close-directory
syntax: cd <directory_name>
example: cd fsftn

Remove/Delete file and folder(Directory)

rm remove files
syntax: rm <file_name>
example: rm sample.txt

rm -r remove folder
syntax: rm <folder_name>
example:rm -r fsftn

Copy file and folder(Directory)

cp copy filec
syntax: cp <source_file_location> <destination_file_location>
example: cp /fsftn/sample.txt /Downlaods

you can refer the image for simple example i have done created,copied and deleted directory,files etc
Screenshot from my machine

Interesting commands

ls /etc /bin list the file in both etc and bin directory

“ls -la” list

by using the above command you can see filename,modification time at last,size of file,group and owner of file and file permissions

“type” display the type of command

syntax: type <command-name>
example: type ls

“file” display the type of content which is present inside the file

syntax: file <file name>
example: file fsftn.txt

Refer here

Mouse work

There is no work of mouse in you console you can easily handle by using only keyboard.only thing

  • right_click-> you can get more options like copy,cut & paste
  • left_click-> to select
  • Wheel_mouse_button-> to paste the slected content

File system in GNU/Linux user group

Hierarchical file system.All the directory comes under the root directory(/)

Access permission and User

we can have more then one user but only one super user

Difference between Normal and Super user

Normal user can able to create delete,update only in particular directory Super user can have all right in whole OS.To work as a super user you just type

su or sudo su

hit -> enter give your password

Now you can able to access all the file in your file system.

you can learn file permission here

for more details you can visit

Let me complete this blog with functions


you can also define functions in console itself.
function_name() { <commands> <shell script> <etc> }

details() { date ls ls -a }

and then type details and hit enter you will see that three commands executed at same time one by one in the order which we gave in details() function.

Let us see shell scripts in next blog Shell scripting Part-2

video tutorial on this part(..comming soon..)

And this is specially dedicated to rocking echo "village boys".
